Wonderland Bazaar

Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Golden Book - EBF Big Story Book Edition

Who here remembers filmstrips in school? It was a staple of my elementary education. This next edition was part of a large filmstrip set that included 8 filmstrips of popular Disney movies, along with the corresponding 8 Magic Mirror albums, and 8 story books like this one.

The set was put out by Encyclopedia Britannica Films (EBF). It is difficult to find the complete set, and quite frankly I'm not sure there is anyone other than me that would really be interested in it. The book is a rebound Unbreakable Binding edition, complete with funky endpapers. This one happens to be a C printing. Truly uninspiring cover, but the line art of Alice is quite nice.


  1. Do u have the entire collection of these EBF Big Story Books

  2. If so how much do u think they are worth or do u know where I can get the 6 of them I have looked at
