Wonderland Bazaar

Friday, May 15, 2009

Films in Review May 1951

An interesting article in a magazine with a scary cover (JUMP!), about how Walt Disney 'cartooned' Alice.

In it Walt (or his ghost write) discuss the difficulties they had bringing Alice to the screen. It is a fairly succinct description of why most Alice film adaptations are less than satisfying from a purely literary point of view - it is damn near impossible to faithfully adapt Alice as a film, it just doesn't lend itself that well.

Of particular interest is the descriptions of why specific characters were left out or combined, and both the consolidation and abridgment of the two books.

In general a pretty high-brow article, definitely meant for a different audience than would read Screen Stories or Movie Life. And so far in advance of the film's release too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt, I just discovered your blog and I find this article very interesting!
    I would like to reproduce it on my website, www.alice-in-wonderland.net (which I see you are already linking to - thanks!). As it's from 1951, do you know whether it is still copyright protected? And can I have your permission to reuse your scans?
    Thanks in advance!
    Lenny (lenny@alice-in-wonderland.net)
