Wonderland Bazaar

Saturday, October 9, 2010

1951 Danish RKO Program Booklet

I love finding foreign movie paper, and this piece is particularly cool as it is so voluminous.  It is a program booklet from Denmark.  Twelve pages in glorious Danish, can't read it, but love it just the same!  It is smallish in size, about the size of a quarter sheet of paper.

If it says RKO, you know it's original release!


  1. I have a British Press Campaign Book from the original 1951 release date! I will email a copy to you when I'm next at home !

    Best Wishes from Muir

  2. @wobble - thank you, I've not seen a 1951 campaign book, only a 1969 one

    @snow - agreed, I was very happy to find this!
