Wonderland Bazaar

Friday, November 5, 2010

Alice in Wonderland Blu-Ray Release Announced

Thanks to reader the-mad-kiwi for the heads up on this.  The Blu-Ray release of Alice in Wonderland was announced this week, scheduled for February 1st, 2011.  There are a couple of new supplemental features on this release, and my appearance in Reflections on Alice is also included, so go me!  Let's hope they announce more new features.


  1. Didn't know the date for this! Roll on February! I am also on the DVD 'Extras' along with the distinguished Carrollian, Professor Morton C Cohen. Glad you're going to be there, too, and that I shall be sharing DVD space with one of my favourite Disney bloggers! :)

  2. @Brian - you are too kind. I got to meet Morton Cohen this past weekend at the LCSNA meeting in NYC. I was quite surprised that he came, but pleasantly so!
