Wonderland Bazaar

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dell Junior Treasury #1 - June 1955

The Alice adaptation was reprinted in the inaugural issue of a new Dell title called Dell Junior Treasury.  This series printed classic children's stories, of which Disney's Alice was the first.  In fact, the Alice issue is the only Disney title in that series.
The cover art remains essentially the same.  It is no longer a true wrap around cover, but has the same elements on the front and back cover as were on FC331, just not connected across the spine.  Contents are identical, with the exception of the inside front cover.  Note that the cover price has increased to 15¢ as this is still 52-pages.  At this time most other comic books were still 10¢ and 36 pages.  Prices didn't start to rise on standard 36 page comics until they decided they couldn't reduce the page count any futher, around 1962.

This is an incredibly difficult issue to find, more so in high grade because the cover is a very heavy high gloss stock.  While the print run of the FC 331 was over 3M copies, I'm pretty sure this issue did not come close to that circulation, although I have no idea what it was.  Relative to the rest of the issues in the DJT series it was probably the highest print run, but I can't imagine it was anywhere near 3M copies.

If you want to see the entire contents of this issue,

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