Wonderland Bazaar

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ferdinand Horvath Character Concept Drawing - Horned Creature

Let's continue on with some more original art, shall we?  This is a great character drawing of a Tulgey Wood critter by Ferdinand Horvath from the 1930s, whom I've previously posted about here.
This is a bizarre little creature with big curly horns and a tufted tail. I wonder how many creatures he drew?  I have personally seen four...


  1. At first glance I thought, perhaps, it was a sketch for the Gryphon (that, for a while, was featured in the screenplay) but if you say it was intended as an inhabitant of the Tulgey Wood, then may I suggest it MIGHT be a 'Horned Dilemma'?! ;)

  2. @Brian - It shall forever be named such :) While I do not know for sure if it was to be a Tulgey Wood character, my assumption is based on the grouping I purchased, lo' these many years ago, in which all were Horvath, and the other two (the umbrella bird and the one for tomorrow) were obviously intended for the Tulgey Wood.

    By the by, will you be coming to either of the upcoming LCSNA meetings here in the US? My wife said to tell you that they are certain to be 'tea and toast'.

  3. I so wish I could come, Matt, but I will be meeting some of your folks at a dinner in Oxford on Friday...
