Wonderland Bazaar

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Welcom Jigsaw Puzzle Blue Box Series from England - #9 Tweedledum & Tweedledee

Less well known than their black box brethren are these blue box puzzles by Welcom.  An altogether different series which seems to include other characters than just Alice, the first Alice puzzle in the series is #9, Tweedledum & Tweedledee
Besides the different color box and larger series of non-Alice characters, these puzzles are also smaller and much easier to assemble - only 72 pieces and 9½ x 7 inches, half the size of the black box puzzles.
Let's talk about the art, shall we?  This art is based on a promotional still that we saw in the Color Glos post here.  But the art here, shall we say, is a little odd.  I'm pretty sure this art was done in house at Welcom, or at least in England.  It very much resembles the art found in an English book which I hope to post in the not too distant future.
Advertised as Big Piece puzzles for Younger Folk, it makes sense that these are easier to put together.
As with the black box puzzles, the box is fully illustrated on all sides although the long sides have the same illustration, one would assume that these characters adorn other puzzles in the series.
Company name boldly emblazoned on one end, and the full list of puzzles in this particular series on the other.
As with the black box puzzles, it was difficult getting nice images of all sides of the box.  All boxes by Welcom seem to be of the glued flap persuasion.  I put together a full box image below by scanning the best bits of several boxes.
Share and enjoy!

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