Wonderland Bazaar

Friday, August 1, 2014

I Went to the DFC Disney Show and All I Got was this Birthday Card - King of Hearts Birthday Card by Valentine's of Great Britain

The DFC show was a rousing success!  Thanks to everyone who dropped by to say hi!  My only score at the show was this English birthday card by Valentine's Greeting Cards, featuring the King of Hearts.
My quest for this card has spanned almost an entire year.  I first became aware of it after last year's D23 show - which I did not attend.  A friend sent me a camera phone shot of it, but it didn't come through until after the show was over.
Yikes!  Never seen this before!  I must have it!  Then followed a series of inquiries by several individuals trying to track down both the vendors and the card.  I did finally discover the identity of the vendor, and I met them at the Dayton show.  But alas, was told the card had sold :-(  Then at the DFC show this summer, one of the individuals who had tried to track it down told me that the card was still available and that there had been some sort of miscommunication!  Hooray!  And it now happily resides with its brethren in the Tulgey Wood.
The interior sports a fairly lengthy verse about living life well...with no reference to the King or Alice whatsoever.  But I will hand it to Joan, a nice obscure card to her friend Gavan is never wrong in my book.

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