Wonderland Bazaar

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tweedledee and Tweedledum Dolls by Marina Schneider of Mexico

Apologies for the dearth of posts, the missus and I have been victims of the various illnesses that have been rampaging about the countryside lately, not nearly as much fun as a canary yellow gypsy cart I must say.  But we are (nearly) recovered, so let the posting resume.

I recently acquired these two fabulous dolls of Tweedledee and Tweedledum.  The person I acquired them from said that they were manufactured exclusively for the Tinker Bell Toy Shoppe at Disneyland, but I have not been able to confirm this.
I love that they have their little flag tassels on their hats, and their names written on their collars.
They each still retain their original hang tags, indicating that they were manufactured in Mexico by Marina Schneider.  Concesionaria Exclusiva roughly translates to Exclusive Manufacturer.
I have not been able to find any reference to a maker called Marina Schneider in any of the Tomart books, nor online, so I have no idea exactly when these were made, or for what market.  But they are very very cool indeed.  If they didn't have their hang tags, I would have assumed they were Italian Lars dolls!


  1. If you were to guess, would you say that these were from the 1950's? Maybe it's impossible to tell for sure.

  2. @Major - it really is impossible to tell, but given the quality and the construction I would say that they were late 1950s.
