Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Be Right Back
Sorry for the long break, was on vacation and returned to a fairly substantial work crisis. I hope to resume posting this weekend.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Golden Catalog - Fall 1951
I thought I'd add this post as an extension of my Sandpiper post, to illustrate all the other Alice related items that were in the Fall catalog from 1951.
First up is the page describing the Golden Story Coloring Book (see posts here and here for more details).
Second is third of the Little Golden Books from Alice, The Mad Hatter's Tea Party. This is other LGB from Alice to get a single (A) printing, along with the Live Flowers book.
Next is another one of those items that for years I couldn't confirm even existed. Just like the Sandpiper book I had seen references to the DBR-1 and DBR-2 Big Golden Records (or Disney Big Record - DBR), but had never actually seen them, nor had anyone else. But I did finally acquire them about 5 years ago, and I will be posting them in the not too distant future. Too bad the covers are so boring...
Lastly the Big Golden Book; a small entry for the Alice book amongst the other BGBs of the day. Oddly, of the catalogs that I have, this is the last time the Alice books are ever mentioned, even though the BGB and the LGB White Rabbit remained in print for more than 30 years.

Friday, May 15, 2009
Films in Review May 1951
An interesting article in a magazine with a scary cover (JUMP!), about how Walt Disney 'cartooned' Alice.

In it Walt (or his ghost write) discuss the difficulties they had bringing Alice to the screen. It is a fairly succinct description of why most Alice film adaptations are less than satisfying from a purely literary point of view - it is damn near impossible to faithfully adapt Alice as a film, it just doesn't lend itself that well.
Of particular interest is the descriptions of why specific characters were left out or combined, and both the consolidation and abridgment of the two books.
In general a pretty high-brow article, definitely meant for a different audience than would read Screen Stories or Movie Life. And so far in advance of the film's release too.

Walt Disney
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One More Child's Wallet
I know even less about this wallet than I do the other previously posted, but still pretty cool nonetheless.

It is marked Walt Disney Productions, but the art is a little sketchy, makes me think it is foreign.

It is marked Walt Disney Productions, but the art is a little sketchy, makes me think it is foreign.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
1st Anniversary of the Blog
Hard to believe its been a whole year of blogging. Where does the time go? Looking back over the past 231 post, there have been some pretty good ones, and some not so good ones (you can tell when I was particularly tired). Some of my favorites have been the series on the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle, the Goebels, and the Weeki Wachee record post.
For today's anniversary post I thought I break out one of my favorite pieces of concept art, this very cool pencil, ink and paint drawing of the Mad Hatter.
This drawing is on a piece of trimmed animation paper, and is a little worse for wear, but the image itself is fantastic. The stylized rendering is very reminiscent of the UPA stuff that was going on at the same time, and while I don't know who exactly executed this drawing, it has a zany quality that I usually attribute to Ward Kimball. One of my faves.
For today's anniversary post I thought I break out one of my favorite pieces of concept art, this very cool pencil, ink and paint drawing of the Mad Hatter.

Original Art
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mouseketeer Alice in Wonderland Child's Wallet
From slightly later, probably from the mid to late 1950s, during the height of the Mickey Mouse Club TV show, comes this Mouseketeer wallet featuring Alice in Wonderland.
I have seen this in both this off-white color and a bluish color as well. Again I don't know the manufacturer.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Alice in Wonderland & White Rabbit Child's Wallets
These are pretty fun. Children's wallets featuring wraparound character art from Alice in Wonderland. They are made from a vinyl or vinyl-like material, and are most likely from the original release or pretty close to it based on the logo type used on the Alice wallet.

These have a blue base color with the picture encased in a clear top layer - there are also variants with a red base color (of course I had to have both variants for both images dontcha know).
The inside has a change pocket with a snap closure, couple of smaller storage flaps, and of course the main wallet compartment.
One still had a couple of wallet-sized school photos inside. I call these two kids Bobby and Susie.

While I don't know which company made these, I believe these were made by a company called Salient, Inc. of Holyoke, MA. They made a child's vinyl purse for the original release as well, and I've seen reference material that states they also made wallets.

While I don't know which company made these, I believe these were made by a company called Salient, Inc. of Holyoke, MA. They made a child's vinyl purse for the original release as well, and I've seen reference material that states they also made wallets.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Golden Coloring Book Original Art by Bob Grant - Page 40
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Golden Coloring Book Original Art by Bob Grant - Page 26
Next in the Golden Coloring Book art series is page 26 - Alice in the garden of live flowers.
This is the page that made me realize what this batch of art was from. If you look at the rendering of Alice's face - especially the eyes - you'll see that it is very distinctive. I had always noticed the way her eye's were drawn in that coloring book, and the page of art triggered that memory enough for me to pull out the book and compare.
Another interesting thing is that this page of art - along with all the others in this series - is art from the pre-colored pages of this book. You may recall from my original post that this coloring book is a little different from most, it has a bunch of pages that come pre-colored, acting as a sort of reference.
The Golden Catalog from the fall of 1951 describes these special books as Golden Story Coloring Books, and the pre-colored pages as offering 'a general guide to the young artist'.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Golden Coloring Book Original Art by Bob Grant - Page 20
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Golden Coloring Book Original Art by Bob Grant - Page 14
A while back I had a post on a very hard to find item, the Alice in Wonderland Golden Coloring Book.
The next few posts feature original art for this coloring book. First up is page 14, the Walrus preparing to 'begin the feed'.

Art for these is credited to Bob Grant, an artist who did a number of comic strips and comic books for Disney from the 1930s through the late 1960s at least.

Art for these is credited to Bob Grant, an artist who did a number of comic strips and comic books for Disney from the 1930s through the late 1960s at least.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Goebel DIS 106 - Walrus Ashtray Discovered!
At long last I have acquired one of the Goebel ashtrays! DIS 106 is the Walrus ashtray based on figure DIS 63.
This completes my set of five walrus figures made by Goebel in the Alice in Wonderland series. See my previous post on this figure for more details.

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