Well, it has been quite the plastic-filled ride during this Marx extravaganza. Since I'm sure you haven't had enough Marx yet, thought I'd sum up the series, 'cause I'm stalling for time to scan some new stuff. We saw:
Alice Disneykins in a variety of paint jobs and boxes

Second Series New Disneykins featuring the Mad Hatter, March Hare, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts in a variety of boxes

TV Scenes of Alice and the White Rabbit & March Hare

New Disneykin Playset

Disneykings featuring Alice, the Mad Hatter and the March Hare

Disneykids of the Mad Hatter, March Hare, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts

Rockykins and Rockykings of Alice and the Mad Hatter (btw, I recently saw a Rockykin of Grumpy)

UPDATE: Found the March Hare Rockyking!!!
SP figures of Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hare, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts

Holland figures of Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hare, White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts

Disney Fun Pal of Alice

Cake topper with the Mad Hatter

Heimo figures of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare

Nodders of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare

Snap-Eeze of the Mad Hatter and the March Hare

Twistable or Twistoy of the March Hare

Rolykin of the White Rabbit

Ramp Walker with Mad Hatter and White Rabbit

Snowdomes of Alice and Mad Hatter & March Hare

and last but not least the Viewmarx.

Whew. That's a ton of Marx stuff, and it probably isn't even all of it. I'm sure there must be a March Hare Rockyking and Heimo figures of Alice, the White Rabbit and Queen of Hearts.