Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mickey Mouse Weekly #597 from England - October 20th, 1951

Ok, I suck.  Or at least I suck at the new Blogger scheduling function.  But, better late than never.  Here we have the next installment in our MMW series, this time featuring a very cool cover with Goofy sleepwalking amongst some ghostly inhabitants.
Chapter 14 brings Alice to the Garden of Live Flowers, with all its various floral and insectoid inhabitants.  I've always loved Bread and Butter Flies.


Major Pepperidge said...

Don't you wish that there was an Alice in Wonderland dark ride that was 10 minutes long and really elaborate? Just imagine what they could do!

Matt said...

Yeah, and they could have this really cool suspended vine outside, that the ride cars would travel on, looking just like a real vine...oh wait, no they could never do that